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Fraud takes place when a person or business misrepresents the truth for their financial gain. Someone charged with this act could face criminal and civil charges, as well as lawsuits and prison time. Fortunately, an Upper Marlboro fraud lawyer regularly defends clients against different types of fraud and is ready to assist you with your case.
When you are up against charges for committing fraud, you will likely face harsh penalties and even prison time if convicted. Beating criminal charges requires the assistance of an experienced criminal defense attorney. At the Law Office of Vernon Brownlee, our team will assist you and work to achieve the best possible outcome in your unique case.
Fraud is a complicated crime that could result in various penalties depending on the seriousness of the act. Some types of fraud involve a fine, while others lead to significant jail time. It is helpful for a person accused of fraud in Upper Marlboro or elsewhere in the state to have a trained attorney to advise them of all potential penalties and defenses to their alleged crime.
Common types of fraud cases include:
Crimes involving bad checks are also a common type of fraud case in Maryland. According to Maryland criminal code ยง 8-103, it is illegal to issue a check knowing there are insufficient funds or if the person intends to stop payment. Additionally, Section 8-203 prohibits credit card theft, counterfeiting, or obtaining stolen property using a fraudulent credit card.
While a good defense attorney will attempt to have the charges dropped, this is not always possible. Sometimes the best course of action for a client is to avoid a trial and take a plea deal. In fact, most criminal cases are resolved through plea deals.
When the defendant negotiates a plea with the prosecutor, they can significantly reduce the penalties associated with the crime by working with the state. There could be many different reasons the state would offer a plea deal. For example, the state may lack sufficient evidence to take the case to trial. In that situation, the prosecutor may offer a reduced charge and allow the defendant to avoid more serious penalties.
Curious about plea bargaining and how it may apply to your situation? Reach out to an Upper Marlboro fraud attorney today to discuss your options.
Fraud cases can be complex without the help of an experienced criminal defense attorney. When you or the business you work for are accused of committing fraud, you need legal protection.
At the Law Office of Vernon Brownlee, our dedicated legal professionals will work to build a strong defense on your behalf and reduce the penalties associated with your charge. Depending on the circumstances of your case, we can negotiate for a plea deal or have the charges dropped altogether. If your case goes to trial, we will zealously defend your rights. Contact an Upper Marlboro fraud lawyer to represent your interests.